Allan Douglas Galloway

Professor Emeritus of Divinity, University of Glasgow

God’s Other Nature

Galloway’s series of lectures were never published. 


Allan Douglas Galloway was born on 30 July 1920 in Aberfoyle, Scotland. A theologian, he explored Christianity and its relationship to universalism and environmentalism. After serving parishes in Port Glasgow and Angus, Galloway was appointed Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria in 1945. Returning to the UK in 1960, he became Senior Lecturer in Divinity at Glasgow, and eventually Professor Emeritus. From 1972 to 1982, he was Principal of Trinity College. 

Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1988, he was also President of the Society for the Study of Religion and Theology. In addition to the Gifford Lectures, he gave the Kerr Lectures at Glasgow in 1966. His publications include The Cosmic Christ: Basic Readings in Theology (1964), Faith in a Changing Culture (1966), The Doctrine of God, coedited with K. Gregor Smith (1970), and a monograph on Wolfhart Pannenberg (1973).